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Class Descriptions



Our classes deliver a powerful 40 or 55 minute pilates workout.

You’ll be in a small group, with everyone working and sweating on their own FitFormer™ pilates machine. This amped-up pilates class combines resistance, lengthening, strength training and cardio, helping you to feel better than ever. 


A new full-body workout that brings together kickboxing, pilates and yoga into one powerful session.

1 part Kickboxing, 1 part Mat Pilates, and 1 part Yoga for a knock-out workout that will have you looking like a featherweight in no time! A Pilates ProWorks original, matBox is a powerful workout that starts with a round of high-intensity kickboxing with a punching bag. Then, the gloves come off and you hit the mat for a round of Pilates to strengthen your core. The final round incorporates Yoga to leave you aligned, balanced and fully invigorated. The result is a balanced mix of high-energy and focused intensity that tones, aligns and blasts calories.

*hand wraps and gloves required.


A vigorous flow between yoga and pilates makes this athletic combo class a crowd pleaser.

Through a fusion of familiar yoga postures, calisthenics and Pilates core strengthening moves, Tone & Flow allows clients to sculpt, tone and flow their way to a strong body and calm mind. From upbeat yoga sequences designed to raise your heartrate, to plank variations that will challenge muscles you didn’t know you had, to a series of stretches to combat tension, participants will improve balance, stamina and flexibility, and achieve effective, sustainable results without the pain or harm of more high-impact workouts. Ample available modifications make this 55-minute mat class accessible to all levels.